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Huachiew chalermprakiet Education and Research (ED)

  • The ratio of sustainability courses to total courses/subjects
  • The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding
  • Number of scholarly publications on sustainability
  • Number of events related to sustainability
  • Number of student organizations related to sustainability
  • University-run sustainability website
  • Sustainability report
  • Number of cultural activities on campus*
  • Number of university program(s) to cope with Covid-19 pandemic*
  • Number of sustainability community services project organized and/or involving students*
  • Number of sustainability-related startups*

US Dollars
/ 3 years


/ 3 years


Scholarly publications


Programs to cope with COVID-19

Our work : Education and Research

 Huachiew Chalermprakiet University…

BCG - Bio Circular Green: New Sustainable Growth Engine Towards Sustainable Spatial Development

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